I slutet av våren deltog Westac-projektet i en första konferns på temat “Digitised newspapers – a new Eldorado for historians?”, ett anförande som nu antagits i en kommande OA-publikation från förlaget De Gruyter. I ett kortare abstract framgår vad artikeln kommer att handla om: “The aim of the article is to present, examine and explore the development of the concept of ‘the political’ in Swedish newspaper data – gleaned from four major newspapers – during the post-war era. The traditional assumption is that ‘the political’ increased and diversified dramatically during the 1960s and 1970s with new notions as ‘the personal is political’, ‘political consciousness’ and even ‘political fantasy’. The article empirically examines this assumption by first extracting and studying bigrams for notions of ‘the political’ from the newspaper data, and then deepen the analysis with explorative tools for topic modeling and network analysis.” När artikeln väl är publicerad kommer vi att ladda upp en version på projekthemsidan.